Facebook is changing your news feed. Do these if you still want to see contents from your favorite pages

Facebook recently announced that it was making major changes to its newsfeed that will significantly change the content people see.

Their emphasis, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg, will be on posts from friends and family as well as what the company is referring to as “trusted sources.”

These “trusted sources” won’t necessarily be the pages that users have chosen to follow and interact with. Rather, they will be sources that Facebook deems as “trusted” through rankings produced by “a diverse and representative” sample of Facebook users (see Zuckerberg’s full post below).

What this means is that you’ll see more Facebook posts from family and friends, reducing the diversity of the sources you get your information from.

As we’ve written about a number of times, modern technology has created a “filter bubble” which reduces exposure to alternative perspectives. In fact, Ideapod was created as a platform to provide access to alternative ideas. See Jason Silva’s video below about the challenge of the filter bubble.

But there’s a way to make sure that Facebook does not prevent you from seeing posts from your favorite sites. Below we’ve provided instructions for how you can update your Facebook settings so that your newsfeed prioritizes posts by sites you follow, such as Techbytes PNG, rather than letting Facebook determine what you see.

1. Go to the Facebook page of the site you want to follow, click the “Following” drop-down arrow, and check the “See First” option “In Your News Feed”

Another thing you can regularly do to make sure you continue to see posts from pages you want to follow on Facebook is to regularly share the posts you see with your friends and family.

Apart from interacting individually with the pages you want to follow, you can also change the preferences of how the news feed operates. Here’s how.

But there’s a way to make sure that Facebook does not prevent you from seeing posts from your favorite sites. Below we’ve provided instructions for how you can update your Facebook settings so that your news feed prioritizes posts by sites you follow, such as Techbytes PNG, rather than letting Facebook determine what you see.

1. Go to the Facebook page of the site you want to follow, click the “Following” drop-down arrow, and check the “See First” option “In Your News Feed”

Another thing you can regularly do to make sure you continue to see posts from pages you want to follow on Facebook is to regularly share the posts you see with your friends and family.

Apart from interacting individually with the pages you want to follow, you can also change the preferences of how the news feed operates. Here’s how.

2. On your Facebook homepage, click the drop-down arrow on the top right of the page and select “News Feed Preferences”

3. Select “Prioritize who to see first” (usually the first listed option)

Here’s the full post by Zuckerberg describing the changes.


Source: Ideapod